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So just what do you have to do when nothing comes to mind? There is no surefire ways to get the perfect ideas but there are easy ways to get your creative juices flowing.
No one can guarantee you of having the perfect mindset but many methods may aid you in achieving that state of mind. Here are several easy ways for that, keep in mind that I will be giving you these tips through the various weeks to come, so.... see ya next week!
1) Keep a diary or a journal with you always. Ideas can be triggered by anything you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses are your radar in finding great ideas. Write all of them into a journal and keep it with you for future reference.
You may also write down anything that you have read or heard, someone’s ideas could be used to develop your own ideas and this is not stealing. Remember that ideas and creativity can come from anywhere; it’s the development of the idea that makes it unique.
2) Relax and take time to sort things out. A jumbled mind cannot create any space for new ideas. Everyone must have a clear mind if one wishes to have their creativity in full speed. Get rid of all obstacles that can be a hindrance to your creativity. If you are bothered by something, you cannot force your mind to stay focused.
Two of the things I usually like to do to clear my mind is go to one of my favorite places in the world...my garden, believe it or not, it does work, another is meditate, try something you may enjoy to be able to clear your mind, try anything, that may work for you!
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